In the early years of his ministry itself, Bro. Dr. Mathews Vergis discovered stark disparities between the original texts of the Bible and the existing translation in the Malayalam language. The Malayalam language had developed tremendously and to have this change reflected in the Malayalam Bible was of paramount importance. His efforts to get the Bible society to rectify the situation were met with little or no interest. He was inspired by the vision and words of William Tyndale – “I perceived how that it was impossible to establish the lay people in any truth except the Scripture were plainly laid before their eyes in their mother tongue.” Bro. Dr. Mathews Vergis thus founded the Word to World Foundation, with the aim of publishing, promoting, translating and distributing the Word of God in every language.

The first project, Millennium Modern Malayalam Bible project was the culmination of fifteen years of work by Bro. Dr. Mathews Vergis, giving birth to the Vishudha Sathya Vedapusthakam – the modern Malayalam version of the Holy Bible. Malayalam is a language spoken by 31 million people in India. Since its inception, Vishudha Sathya Vedapushthakam has been the most path-breaking translation, in the hundred year history of the Malayalam Bible.

In his travels, preaching and distributing Bibles to the Bibleless, Bro. Dr. Mathews Vergis realized the necessity to give a lot of ethnic tribes the Word of God in the language of their heart or their mother tongue. His vision took a new dimension when Word to World published the New Testament in the Paniya language on the 30th of December, 2008 – a first in history for the ethnic tribe of Paniyas with a population of around 90,000.
With the development of the Paniya Audio Bible Project, Word to World has reached a new peak in its effort to spread the Word of God to those who are illiterate and unable to read the Word of God, so that they might listen to it in their mother tongue and be blessed.

The Gospel of Mark too has been presented to the Jenu Kurumba tribe with a population of 55,000 people, in their mother tongue, Jenu Kurumba. Efforts are currently underway for the completion of the New Testament.
Word to World has also spawned numerous Bible Ministries aimed at promoting the Word of God through various Outreach Missions such as the Blue Bible Ministry which aims to place a Bible at every hospital bedside, and the ‘Bible for the Bibleless’ Project, aimed at providing a Bible to anyone who cannot afford a Bible.

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